Devon Frost About Projects

Map | 2.21


Map Site


This map is a web app I designed to embed in my Notion based travel notes. A cross country road trip inspired the need for an embeddable personalized map of the path we drove. The concept was expanded to use years of travel notes for generating location data. This simple visual of points and lines invoke memories of years of family travel, rock climbing with friends, and road trips to beautiful locations. The sense of geographic movement and relative locations provided by the map brings new dimensionality to my notes that words and photos can't capture. With much of my travel being to outdoor destinations, I also enjoy the clear insight into geographic and geologic relationships between various climbing or hiking trips.

Developed using the Google Maps API, the web app presents a complete view by default. Single trip maps can also be configured for embedding in individual trip notes, as seen in the demo log. The map functionality includes: