Devon Frost About Projects


Devon Frost (they/them) is a programmer, artist, and dancer.

They are currently pursuing a PH.D. in the Media Arts and Technology program at UC Santa Barbara where they are a member of the Expressive Comuptation Lab. They are working on computational systems for creativity support in digital fabrication, with an focus on clay 3D printing systems.

Devon holds a B.A. in Computer Science from Scripps College, with degree coursework completed through Harvey Mudd College.



24-      _ Ph.D. Media Arts and Technology, UCSB, Santa Barbara, CA

22-24 _ M.S. Media Arts and Techology, UCSB, Santa Barbara, CA

16-20 _ B.A. Computer Science, Scripps College, Claremont, CA


Frost*, Toka*, Bourgault, Faber, Friedman-Gerlicz, Lee, Paek, Wiley, and Jacobs. Practice-driven Software Development: A Collaborative Method for Digital Fabrication Systems Research in a Residency Program DIS 2024, Copenhagen, DK. doi:

Frost, Lee, Paek, and Jacobs. SketchPath: Using Digital Drawing to Integrate the Gestural Qualities of Craft in CAM-Based Clay 3D Printing. CHI 2024, Honolulu, USA. doi: - Best Paper

Moyer, Bourgault, Frost, and Jacobs. Throwing Out Conventions: Reimagining Craft-Centered CNC Tool Design through the Digital Pottery Wheel. CHI 2024, Honolulu, USA. doi: - Best Paper

Frost, Steele, and Bang. Virtually Constrained Dancing: Encoding Language in Movement and Sound. MOCO 2020, virtual, Jersey City, New Jersey, USA. doi:


24 _ DIS 2024 - paper | Practice-driven Software Development, Copenhagen, DK

24 _ DIS 2024 - demo | SketchPath, Copenhagen, DK

24 _ CHI 2024 - paper | SketchPath, Honolulu, HI, US

23 _ CHI 2023 - demo | CoilCAM, Hamburg, GE

23 _ COSA 2023 - lighting talk | Denver, CO, US

20 _ MOCO 2020 - paper | TED, virtual


22-      _ Graduate Student Researcher  with Jennifer Jacobs, Expressive Computation Lab, UCSB, Santa Barbara, CA

20-22 _ Applications Developer, TrakCare; Intersystems, Boston, MA

19 _ Student Researcher  with Lucas Bang, TED, Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, CA

16-20 _ Technology & Media Manager, Scripps College Dance Department, Claremont, CA

17, 18, 19 _ Stage Manager, In the Works, Scripps & Pomona College Dance Departments, Claremont, CA

16 _ Lighting Operator, In the Works, Scripps & Pomona College Dance Departments, Claremont, CA


24 _ Soft AIM | Media Arts and Technology, Santa Barbara, CA

23 _ latentville | Media Arts and Technology, Santa Barbara, CA

19 _ Z Scatter - ADV Photo Showcase | Florence Rand Lang Gallery, Scripps College, Claremont, CA

19 _ Index'd - ADV Photo Showcase | Florence Rand Lang Gallery, Scripps College, Claremont, CA

18 _ Glitch - Selected Works Showcase | Florence Rand Lang Gallery, Scripps College, Claremont, CA


22 _ Bill T. Jones/Arnie Zane Company | community dancer, Granda Theater, Santa Barbara, CA

19 _ Let's Call the Whole Thing Fiddle | choreographer/dancer, Fast Forward, Pomona College, Claremont, CA

18 _ super | dancer/contributor, Brand Library & Art Center, Glendale, CA

18 _ super | dancer/contributor, Scripps Dances, Scripps College, Claremont, CA

17 _ Warriors of Light | dancer, Scripps Dances, Scripps College, CA

17 _ Time Refracted | featured dancer, Scripps Dances, Scripps College, CA

17 _ Time Refracted | featured dancer, Friday Noon Concert, Scripps College, CA

16 _ Egyptian Lover | featured dancer, dublab 17th anniversary, Los Angeles, CA


22-27 _ Regents Fellowship from University of California Santa Barbara

19 _ Scripps College Student Worker of the Year

18, 19 _ Lucile Morrison Dance Scholarship from Scripps College



instagram: @devnfrost